Friday, 30 March 2012

Yesterday I felt so positive; the workshop seemed really positive and both S's seemed really supportive of me working with the university, I was looking forward to a great night out, the weather was beautiful and things were beginning to look up. I came back from uni feeling nothing but positive and ready for anything.

Now today I just feel horrible, I feel stressed out, crabby, unhappy, and just blah. I got a first in my coursework, and the girlies were fine with me leaving early last night, and I've chosen my modules, yet I still feel crap. Even my parents noticed I wasn't my normal self. I just feel mentally fucking drained with everything that's going on, and although they're all small things, and mostly revolving around 'I', they're still really getting me down. When it comes to uni work, I also just seem to be unable to focus for any period of time. I really wanted to knuckle down tonight and get loads of work done liked I used, but I just can't seem to be able to. It feels like my brain is hitting a brick wall. I don't know how I'm going to learn and revise everything in 8 weeks. I just want to sleep for a fucking long time and not have to worry about anything.