Feel a lot better today having spoken to M; It seems that E is not as much at fault as everyone is making her out to be, and is in fact being quite grown up about it all, and hopefully it will revolve itself one way or another, and hopefully that horrid girl will be out of M's life forever. We'll see.
Feel so sorry for M about social services, and to be honest, I'm not bloody surprised... From what M said it seems that it should be a one off call with no follow-up etc. but as she rightly pointed out, and what I was thinking anyway, once you have a file, it's always going to be there. I'm also worried about what E has been saying about D at school; from what she's been saying on skype I'm not surprised that Mr O felt the need to phone social services, and I just hope and pray that E doesn't do anything like it ever again, and realises the consequences of exaggerating. I also hope that D doesn't think too hard and realise that this is probably down to him and the depression that social services were called in the first place. Fingers bloody well crossed that this is the end of the nasty matter and not another word will be uttered again, however, knowing E I somehow doubt it...